Insect bug houses 7.12.2015

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A great  way to help support the minibeast population present in your garden is to build them some overwintering accomodation! Trim up unwanted bamboo canes, clean out the centre cavities and bind them together to form hidaway logs that can be positioned in sheltered, dry and rain free areas..

Make a bug house for your garden insects to overwinter in

Read about the Tidy don't burn idea on

Resources needed

 Strong secateurs or knife  to cut the cane

 Bamboo cane of varying thickness  for bugs of all shapes & sizes

 A drill or metal plunger eg. knitting needle  clean out the center core of the cut canes

 Section of plastic cut from any plastic bottle
of use this as the retaining wall of your bug house. place the cut and cleaned canes inside until full. fill any gaps with straw to make the bundle sturdy.

wrap this around the external surface of the cane made log to add a layer of insulation and where necessary to secure the house in its final postition.

Guides and information

 A good place to position a finished house

 Insect hotel building on The Eden Project

 and for the ultimate hand constructed residence;
 an insect mansion on

 To buy an impressive feature visit the insect tower page on Wildlifeworld


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