Cymbalaria muralis
remembered to formally identify this plant!
ivy - ivy-leaved toadflax - coliseum ivy - Oxford ivy -
mother of thousands -
pennywort - wandering sailor
on Wikipedia
RHS.org The WhiteGoddess.co.uk
and in my experience, also known as ..
weed with purple flower and yellow bits in the middle!
Creeping wild flower over outdoor waste ground
Succulent type of weed on a dry stone wall
Small flowered trailing vine, ivy leaf type floor covering
Little purple weed just started growing in garden!
Tiny lilac flower looks like miniature antirrhinum snapdragon!
Up close with Kenilworth ivy or pennywort flowers
each measuring around 10mm
Kenilworth ivy
invasion! just before the blue fescue grass receives its trim back!
and 'au naturel' this is such a pretty little plant.
to 'in the garden'