Acorns begin their journey
to fallen nut in April and May as the oak produces its numerous clusters of
yellow green dangling tassles, catkins full of flowers that waft their pollen
over the air. Out of that dusty mist tiny nodes start to appear, budding up
and growing on
to form the familiar and much loved bunches of woodland and hedgerow filled
cup n' nut. Each
acorn ripens over the following months,turning its spring, olive
green surface into a glossy
tan brown. Throughout this process they'll
attract a variety
of hungry and plant enthusiastic foragers, those endeavors mean some acorns
will be eaten, a few squirreled away and handfuls will be used creatively,
for any acorn managing to evade a looker's gaze, it might just find itself
in the perfect spot to put down some roots. Germinating in the thick of
an undergrowth begins a whole new sapling adventure and as oaks only fruit
once a tree has reached *40 years old (*source), celebrating the seemingly
humble acorn in as many ways as we can is a wonderful way to share our natural
world and pass on this tree's historical significance - the English oak