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Pilea Peperomioides

The round leaf houseplant  - Chinese money plant 
This is a photo of our homegrown houseplant. Refered to by many names our Chinese money plant currently (17.7.2017) stands at around 56cm tall x 30cm wide, the plantpot is 25cm. I'm thinking it now needs a new position!

How tall does pilea peperomioides grow? Ours is currently 54cm

Also known as the UFO plant, missionary, lollipop or disc leaved plant and been described as the water lily houseplant.

It's a gorgeous focal piece for any home and compliments interior design with its deep glossy green peltate leaves and brittle succulent stalks that produce a crisp fresh fragrance should one accidentally snap! The main stem becomes woody after time and if leaves are lost on the lower part of mature specimens new branches can appear at those lobes adding a different dimension to the plant.    


We've found they like to have moist or damp soil, enjoy the occassional misting and do equally well on north and south facing windowsills (UK Northern Hemisphere) However they also appear to dislike cold draughts, being trapped between window and curtain and having dry or overly wet, soggy soil can cause the leaves to drop off without any prior warning. Fly spray will kill the whole plant :(  

 UK only if you'd like to purchase a young plantlet please feel free to get in touch:  cointote@pixiehats.com Cost is £12.00 which includes p&p and payment through paypal.  

Does a pilea peperomioides produce flowers? well although we've found this to be fairly rare occurance (not sure why) this youg plantlet pushed up a lovely cluster or flourish of yellow green blossom that somewhat resembles the beginning stages of the Elderberry's flower.

Flowering Chinese money plant - Pilea Peperomiodes

Reproduction occurs through off-shoots that run through the compost and once large enough plantlets can be propogated by separation and pottng on in peat free compost.

How Chinese Money plant Pilea Peperomioides reproduces itself

Peat free compost on amazon.co.uk

Pilea details on RHS.org.uk

The mysterious spread of this plant's on on Wikipedia

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